Below you can find the list of the articles accepted to the workshop (with a link to their preprint where available).
- Learning when to observe: A frugal agent in a high-cost world
- Neural Networks comprising Sequentially Semiseparable Matrices with one dimensional State Variable are Universal Approximators
- TinyMetaFed: Efficient Federated Meta-Learning for TinyML
- On The Potentials of Input Repetition in CNN Networks for Reducing Multiplications
- The Quest of Finding the Antidote to Sparse Double Descent
- Unveiling the Potential of Tiny Machine Learning for Enhanced People Counting in UWB Radar Data
- Towards Comparable Knowledge Distillation in Semantic Image Segmentation
- Combining Primal and Dual Representations in Deep Restricted Kernel Machines Classifiers
- Addressing limitations of TinyML approaches for AI-enabled Ambient Intelligence
- Leveraging low rank filters for efficient and knowledge-preserving lifelong learning